Can I Mix Baking Soda with My Toothpaste

Written by Dr. Brian Harris

September 03, 2024

In the world of toothpaste, the question arises, can I mix baking soda with my toothpaste? The answer is straightforward: yes, but with caution.

In this article, we will look at whether baking soda works as a toothpaste, how it whitens teeth, and the pros and cons of using it in your oral care routine. Additionally, we will discuss safer and more effective alternatives for teeth whitening and why you should avoid mixing baking soda with lemon juice.

Let's examine the process of using baking soda to whiten teeth and learn the optimal techniques for a more luminous smile.

What this article covers:

Does Baking Soda Work as a Toothpaste?

Yes, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, can function as a toothpaste. This characteristic allows baking soda to remove surface stains and plaque from teeth, contributing to a whiter appearance.

How Does Baking Soda Whiten Teeth?

Baking soda whitens teeth primarily through its abrasive action. The small, gritty particles in baking soda scrub away surface stains caused by food, beverages, and other external factors.

This mechanical removal of stains can lead to a visibly whiter smile over time.

Additionally, baking soda's alkaline nature helps to neutralize acids in the mouth, creating an environment less conducive to enamel erosion and decay.

What Are the Pros and Cons?

Using baking soda as a toothpaste has its benefits, such as being cost-effective and potentially reducing bacteria. However, it also comes with notable drawbacks, like limited whitening power and lack of essential cleaning agents.

Here are the details.


May Reduce Bacteria

One is its potential to reduce bacteria in the mouth. The alkaline nature of baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment that harmful bacteria thrive in, inhibiting the growth of bacteria that contribute to plaque formation and gum disease.

can I mix baking soda with my toothpaste

Regular use of baking soda can also assist in managing plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and can lead to cavities and gum disease if not properly controlled.

Baking soda's mild abrasiveness helps scrub away plaque, promoting cleaner teeth and healthier gums.

It's Inexpensive

Another advantage of using baking soda as a toothpaste is its cost-effectiveness. Baking soda is widely available and inexpensive, making it an accessible option for individuals looking for affordable oral care solutions.


Less Powerful Whitening

Baking soda's mild abrasive properties allow it to scrub away some of the discoloration caused by everyday activities like drinking coffee or tea, but it does not offer the same deep-cleaning capabilities as products containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.

These chemical agents penetrate deeper into the enamel, providing a more thorough whitening effect than baking soda can achieve on its own.

Baking soda also lacks blue pigment, an ingredient in many commercial whitening toothpastes that provides an immediate, though temporary, whitening effect by coating the teeth and making them appear less yellow.

Can kids use whitening toothpaste is a common concern for parents, but it's important to note that baking soda alone may not be suitable for children's dental care.

Missing Cleaning Agents

Our findings show that another drawback of using baking soda as a toothpaste is the absence of additional cleaning agents commonly found in commercial toothpaste.

Traditional toothpastes are formulated with a variety of ingredients like nano-hydroxyapatite, which is essential for strengthening enamel and preventing cavities.

Baking soda lacks this key ingredient, which means it cannot provide the same level of protection against tooth decay and enamel erosion.

can I use baking soda toothpaste everyday

Conventional toothpastes often contain antibacterial agents that help reduce harmful oral bacteria and detergents that aid in spreading the toothpaste evenly throughout the mouth. Baking soda alone does not offer these benefits.

Can toothpaste cause dry mouth is a concern for some users, but this is typically associated with certain ingredients in commercial toothpastes rather than baking soda.

Unpleasant Taste

The taste of baking soda can be a significant deterrent for many people. Unlike commercial toothpastes that come in a variety of flavors to make brushing a more pleasant experience, baking soda has a distinct salty and bitter taste.

What's more, the texture of baking soda can feel gritty and less smooth compared to the creamy consistency of traditional toothpaste.

This might cause discomfort for some users, further discouraging its use as a primary dental care product.

Zero Cavity Protection

One of the most critical disadvantages of using baking soda as a toothpaste is its lack of cavity protection.

Without the antibacterial properties found in many toothpastes, baking soda cannot effectively combat the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

This makes it a less effective option for maintaining long-term oral health compared to oral hygiene products.

What Else to Use for Teeth Whitening

When it comes to achieving a whiter smile, SNOW offers a variety of effective and safe alternatives to traditional methods like baking soda.

Our Arctic Frost teeth whitening mouthwash is a powerful, alcohol-free formula designed to fight bad breath. It contains hydrogen peroxide, peppermint oil, and aloe leaf juice to whiten teeth, freshen breath, and soothe gums.

can I mix baking soda with my toothpaste

Based on our observations, this mouthwash not only helps remove surface stains but also supports overall oral hygiene by protecting against bacteria and plaque.

For a convenient addition to your daily routine, try our teeth whitening foam. This product can be applied directly to your teeth or added to your toothbrush, making it an easy way to whiten teeth over time.

With ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, it helps remove surface stains and prevents new ones from forming.

Lastly, our teeth whitening powder offers a gentle yet effective alternative for whitening teeth. Made from a blend of natural ingredients, this powder is perfect for coffee and tea drinkers looking to reduce discoloration.

Can you use whitening toothpaste with braces? Our powder may be a suitable option!

Avoid Mixing Baking Soda and Lemon Juice for Whitening

While mixing baking soda with lemon juice is a common DIY whitening suggestion, it is not recommended by dental professionals. Our research indicates that the acidic nature of lemon juice can erode tooth enamel, leading to increased sensitivity and a higher risk of cavities.

Although baking soda can help neutralize some of the acid, the combination can still be harmful to your teeth over time.

Instead, safer alternatives should be considered.

Can I use fluoride toothpaste after whitening strips is a common question, and generally, it's safe to do so, but it's best to follow the instructions provided with your whitening product.


Is it better to use baking soda than toothpaste?

While baking soda can be effective for removing surface stains, it does not offer the comprehensive benefits of toothpaste.

Can baking soda damage the surface of your teeth?

Yes, using baking soda excessively can damage the surface of your teeth. Baking soda's abrasive nature can wear down enamel over time if used too frequently or aggressively.


Can I mix baking soda with my toothpaste? The answer comes with caveats. While baking soda can offer some benefits in removing surface stains, it lacks the protection toothpaste can provide.

Throughout this article, we examined the effectiveness of baking soda as a toothpaste, its whitening mechanism, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use. We also discussed better alternatives for teeth whitening, such as SNOW's range of products, and why combining baking soda with lemon juice is harmful.

For safe and effective teeth whitening solutions, explore SNOW's innovative products designed to give you a brighter smile without compromising your oral health.

Visit SNOW today to discover more about our teeth whitening options.

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