How to Get Rid of Coffee Stains on Teeth

Written by Taylor DiGiro

January 09, 2019

More than half of all US adults drink coffee every single day. The coffee industry is worth over $18 billion in the United States and our addiction to these little beans has helped the US to become one of the top 10 coffee drinking countries in the world.

We’re not here to tell you that coffee is bad for you. In fact, moderate consumption is perfectly healthy, and providing this moderation is not taken to excess and there is no sensitivity present it can even provide some health benefits.

But there are some things to worry about. Firstly, coffee can be expensive, with the average consumer spending over $1,100 a year on the beverage. Secondly, the 3.2 cups of coffee that are consumed every day by the average coffee drinker can stain teeth, causing them to turn yellow and to lose their natural luster.

If you add wine, cigarettes, and even age to the mix then those stains can become more of an issue, one that no amount of brushing, flossing, or rinsing can fix. But there are ways to get rid of those teeth stains that don’t require you to relinquish this caffeinated beverage forever.


teeth whitening for coffee stains


How to Remove Coffee Stains from Teeth

The quickest, easiest and most effective way to scrub those stains away is to use a professional teeth whitening kit. These are available right here on the Snow website, where you can purchase them for a fraction of the price you would pay in a dental surgery.

Teeth whitening is often mistakenly considered to be a vanity project, something that is unnecessary and something that could be rendered pointless with good dental hygiene and a good whitening toothpaste. But this is a misconception, and the truth is, no amount of brushing will give you those pearly whites that you desire.

Brushing only works on the tooth’s surface. It scrubs away plaque, which can lead to a build-up of tartar—a brownish substance that looks incredibly unsightly and can also cause serious gum and tooth problems—but there is an inner part of the tooth as well, and brushing or flossing will not get to this part of the tooth.

Known as “dentin”, this part of the tooth can easily be stained by everything from coffee to wine and cigarettes. Those stains present in a off-white or yellow discoloration in the entire tooth and the only way to get rid of them and restore the natural whiteness is to bleach the tooth.

This is where Snow comes in. Our teeth whitening kits provide a natural, safe and gentle way to whiten your teeth. Unlike the kits that you can purchase from your dentist, these will not set you back several month’s rent, they won’t burn your lips or your gum line, and they won’t cause sensitivity. They are safe to be used without supervision anytime you need to scrub that discoloration away.

So, if you’re a regular coffee drinker who can’t bear the idea of giving up your morning pick-me-up, then grab yourself some Snow and a few refills, and keep them on hand at all times.

Whitening Toothpastes for Coffee Stains

There are a number of toothpastes on the market aimed specifically at coffee, tea and wine drinkers, as well as ones aimed at smokers. These work, to an extent, as they contain compounds that scrub away plaque and stop strong color pigments from sticking to that plaque. They can also remove the pigments that have already stuck to the tooth’s surface.

But as discussed above, these toothpastes are unable to remove the discoloration that has occurred underneath the tooth following years of consumption. It doesn’t matter how many times you use them, how much you rinse and floss, or how hard you scrub—they simply can’t reach beyond the surface of the tooth.

It would be like using a bandaid to heal a broken bone. In most cases, these brands of toothpaste are no different to the average whitening toothpaste. It’s just clever marketing that focuses on specific demographics, creating a niche when there isn’t one and hoping to prey on that niche.

It’s a similar story with whitening strips. These can work on the surface of the tooth, but they can’t help beyond that.

There are some toothpaste brands that use very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, but therein lies another issue. A toothpaste is supposed to come into contact with the gums, whereas hydrogen peroxide is not. A concentration of peroxide that was strong enough to whiten the tooth would also harm the gum, and one that was weak enough not to harm the gum would not be strong enough to whiten the tooth.

It’s a Catch-22 that ultimately boils down to one thing: whitening toothpaste is not a complete whitening solution.

How to Reduce Coffee Stains

The Snow Teeth Whitening Kit will restore the natural whiteness of your teeth whenever they have become discolored through coffee consumption. But it won’t stop discoloration from happening again, and if you continue to drink lots of coffee then your teeth will gradually return to that discolored state.

You can, of course, keep using Snow, and we’re certainly not going to object to that, but there are also a few other things you can do to keep those whitened teeth white:


  • 1. Brush Your Teeth

  • Some of the tannins in coffee can stick to the plaque on your teeth. This plaque is highly adhesive, sticking to your teeth and attracting all kind of detritus when it’s there. If you have a layer of plaque on your teeth before you drink coffee, then more of those color pigments will stick to the plaque and be visible.

    If you can’t brush after you drink to remove those sticky coffee stains, then brush before to give them less plaque to stick to.

    1. Try Tea

    Tea is rich in tannins and will also stain your teeth, but it is much less acidic, so it will do less damage to your enamel. Coffee is also more likely to trigger an excess of stomach acid, and if you have GERD this excess acid can do more damage than any food or drink.

    Choosing tea instead of coffee will not completely fix the issue, but it will go someway towards it while ensuring you still get your caffeine fix.

    1. Rinse with Water

    One of the quickest and easiest ways to stop coffee stains developing on the surface of your teeth is to rinse your mouth out with water immediately after drinking. This will also help to neutralize the acidity in your mouth, which in turn will reduce the damage to your teeth and prevent some of those deeply ingrained coffee stains from developing.

    You can also use mouthwash, but avoid anything that contains alcohol as it will dry out your mouth.